Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Summer Escape by Jill Shalvis

When Anna Moore finds a coin in a collection of her dad's things, she doesn't expect Owen Harris to show up, accusing her father of having stolen a collection of rare goods including a necklace known as Ruby Red.
Owen's great aunt is his only family member left. She's ninety-five years old and, before she dies, he's like her to know that he recovered the property that was stolen so long ago. 
Together, they will solve the mystery of what happened oh so many years ago. All while Anna is also dealing with her sister Wendy who is pregnant with triplets. 
This is hypothetically part of a series but there isn't really a through line that I can see. This was a fast, fun, and fluffy book. Not much substance but an enjoyable book for a day off.

Three and a half stars
This book came out June 11, 2024
Sunrise Cove #6
Borrowed as hard copy from library
Opinions are my own

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