Brother to Theo Stephens from
The Wedding Party, Stephen is the eternal playboy. He loves 'em but he makes sure that they understand that there is nothing there before he leaves 'em. Picked to join a pitch to a big company, he knows that he is the token minority thrown in to impress the clients. Especially since this latest client's commercials are featuring Anna Gardiner a prominent Black actress. When all of the higher ups in Ben's company are stuck at the airport, he steps in for the pitch and impresses Anna so much (yes, she decided to attend the pitches), she picks their company to continue the campaign.
Anna's not too hot on relationships either. Her goal in life is to get to the top of the Hollywood elite. Her recent panic attacks not to mention some pictures that didn't do so well aren't helping her. But she's got an amazing team, including an agent, Simon (who, can we vote for future books? He needs one) and her best friend. And her relationship with the bestie is a great reason to read this book. But her relationship with Ben isn't supposed to be real. Well, they are for sure hot for each other but she needs some newspaper print and dating an ex-backup dancer with a heart of gold is just the way to go.
I really appreciated that there was honesty in how these two treated each other. A little misunderstanding in whether feelings can change but overall they were up front with where they thought the "relationship" was going. Guillory writes amazing characters whose HEA I can definitely believe and this book makes me want to start the series over again just so I can enjoy Ben's character growth. The addition of a secret sibling, honestly, could have been cut for me but I guess it did add some to that same growth.
Four stars
This book came out July 13th, 2021
Borrowed as ebook from Libby
Opinions are my own