Showing posts with label Sullivans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sullivans. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

It Must Be Your Love by Bella Andre

Image linked from Goodreads
When this book started, Ford is being a rock star alpha-hole. He hooked up with Mia Sullivan five years ago and then dumped her fast when she refused to leave everything in her life to travel with him. Now, thanks to his biographer, Ford realizes that he still loves her and wants her back. So he sets up an anonymous house showing (she's a successful realtor) and thinks that he can win her back in the course of a conversation. Hell, he's even envisioning their kids in the house. He's ready to give it all up for her (well, he's tired of touring anyway, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?)
I was really frustrated at this point. Andre is sort of uneven for me anyway with her heroes bordering on some really reprehensible behavior and I was ready for this book to be the one for me to be able to put it down and say, "I don't need to read this author anymore." BUT. But! Mia smacks him down! Yes, there's still all of the wildly annoying vacillating but she doesn't just fall into his arms. AND. And! Ford wises up and realizes that he's being and alpha-hole! There were still some problems
Ford was still very controlling, not letting their relationship progress physically because of HIS plan but at least Mia called him on his initial bullshit. Which means I have to keep this series on my list, if only to see how Ian and Tatiana turn out <spoiler>though with all of the references to his dark past and her innocence, I don't have high hopes for this book

Minor quibbles
Time with his parents was too short and really felt like the grown up version of plot moppets. Except they weren't young. Or cute.
Crap, I had some more but can't remember now.

Bottom line: if you like your Bella Andre (REALLY alpha heroes), you'll probably still enjoy this book. Mia was less wilting flower than some of Andre's heroines and that made for more enjoyable book.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Always on my Mind by Bella Andre

Image linked from Goodreads
Finally, an Andre book where the hero isn't so much an alpha as an asshole.
This is the last book of the original Sullivan family. It's finally time for Lori (Naughty), one of two sisters, to get her man. She's finally fed up with her boyfriend indiscriminately cheating on her and using her to climb the ladder. She's flown back to California in a fit but doesn't want her family to know. So she rents a car and decides to go to Pescadero based on the fact that it's the clerk's favorite place to get away. Of course, Lori hasn't stopped to change (really?) so she's still wearing her dance outfit which causes quite a stir in the sleepy town of Pescadero. While in the general store, she sees an ad for a ranch hand and decides to answer it, because, why not?
Upon getting to the ranch, she immediately crashes into a fence pole. Because that's how you show that you're a capable ranch hand. But Grayson Tyler feels sorry for her. Or something. She just worms her way right into his house by picking up the chickens and making him dinner.
That's the first part of the story and by now, you can tell that you will have to suspend a lot of disbelief to get through this story. And while my recounting of the story may sound a little sarcastic, I was able to get through the whole book and not just because I needed to review it for NetGalley.
If you are an Andre fan, I think you will enjoy this book.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Look of Love by Bella Andre

Image linked from Goodreads
keep seeing Bella Andre's books on sale and various blogs have reviewed other books favorably. When I had a chance to get the first five from PaperbackSwap, I jumped at the chance.

The first book is okay. I had a HARD time with the insta-love that Chase had for Chloe (she was a little more cautious though she definitely has insta-lust as well.) Especially given Chloe's situation, it all happened a little too fast and Chase was just a little too charming. The guys I've met who've been that smooth just haven't had same purpose as Chase (love and marriage). 
Anyway, the story is that Chase is photographing his mother's seventieth birthday party and while driving home, encounters a woman on the side of the road. Even though he works with young models (and sleeps with a LOT of them), he instantly falls into lust with this curvy (I wish I had this as an ebook and could count the number of times this word or some variation is used to describe Chloe), nontraditional beauty.
Will I continue to read the series? Yes. Most of my problems were with Chase's attitude. I want to see if all of Andre's heros are like this or this was just a rough first outing. (some are better, most are not and I would much recommend Shannon Stacey if you like contemporary romance.)