Showing posts with label A Very English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Very English. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A Matter of Loyalty by Anselm Audley, Elizabeth Edmonson

Hugo, Georgia, and Freya are back for a last adventure. This book was not quite as good which is explained at the end of the story. 
One of the scientists at the "Atomic" has gone missing. It is assumed that he is the one that was leaking scientific information which makes Sir Bernard very happy as he can close out that mystery with a sigh. At least, he could until the man's body shows up with a single gunshot wound in the neck. And Georgia and Polly are the ones to find him which shakes everyone up. 
Old favorites are included in this story. 
Saul Ingram is once again in hot water - he seems to be the easy target to point at for any number of sins
Uncle Leo-the priest and former spy
Aunt Priscilla- still managing  but lovable
New characters
Jarret - in from the Home Defense, was the best man at Freya's aborted wedding
Dr. Arpad Barandy - defecting Hungarian scientist staying at the castle
This was a good series and I liked how Edmonson was building on each successive story. I'm sad that we won't get to see the final stories. 

Three and a half stars
This book came out October 19, 2017
Borrowed as Kindle audiobook
Opinions are my own

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Question of Inheritance by Elizabeth Edmondson

The second in a trio of books, we again see Hugo, a secret agent for the crown, his young teen sister Georgia, and Freya, the cousin of a newly discovered earl. But there's a problem with this earl, it seems like somebody is trying to kill him. This is not exciting for him, nor for his two daughters who have also traveled from America. 
It's Christmas, which is going to be a hard one this year since the earl was only recently discovered to be the heir and his half-sister, who expected to inherit, is less than happy to welcome a new sibling to the family. 
There are family tensions, stolen paintings, and a body that ends up in the family hothouse. It's a lot but it built off the first book nicely. You don't have to have read the first book but it really wouldn't be as enjoyable.

Four stars
This book came out October 27, 2015
Borrowed from Kindle; listened as audiobook
Opinions are my own

Saturday, April 16, 2022

A Man of Some Repute by Elizabeth Edmondson

Hugo Hawkworth very much feels the effects of his leg wound. Now he can't serve in the army and his official story has to be that it was a bicycle accident. He's been picked up by another department but still chafes at riding a desk. At least he gets to spend time with his young sister, thirteen-year-old Georgia, the only family he has left in the world. 
They've come to Selchester Castle, the site of the mysterious disappearance of the last earl almost seven years ago. The earl seems to be a man that few people have missed, including his daughter who is counting down the days until he can be declared dead and she can be wealthy. Her cousin, the earl's niece Freya, is the only family who still lives at the castle. 
When a skeleton is discovered under some pavers, everyone is shocked. But are they really? Because many of the same people who were at the party where the earl disappeared are still in the picture.
This was a good start to a series and I enjoyed it.

Four stars
This book came out July 1, 2015
Borrowed from Kindle; listened as audiobook
Opinions are my own