As is usual in Mallery books, three women find their matches. Of course, for Paris, that new man is actually an ex-husband. They broke up years ago and he remarried and has a son. But now Jonah's back in town with his son to help while his mother undergoes surgery. While Paris believes they are on their way to being friends, Jonah might have a different idea.
Her best friend Laurel has two daughters and an ex-husband who doesn't see the girls. Her oldest is acting out toward all males. She just needs a friend. A male friend. One who can show that not all men are flakes who can't be counted on.
Last is Cassie. She's just joined the friend group after inheriting some land from a great uncle. She's feeling raw after her brother and sister kicked her out of the nest. While both of her siblings got money, she inherited land. Land that an apparently very hot archaeologist is working on.
An enjoyable book but the ending was incredibly fast like the author ran out of time and wanted to wrap up the storylines quickly.
Three and a half stars
This book came out February 13, 2024
Borrowed as hard copy from libraryOpinions are my own