Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Siren's Call by Jayne Castle

I would definitely recommend reading more in the series before this one but I don't think you'll be very lost if you don't. 
Ella Morgan is a Siren(!). She can literally sing (along harmonic lines, out loud? She can't carry a tune) a person to death. And we see her use her talents almost to that point in the beginning of the story. There was a lot of action bunched at the beginning which was a little annoying but we get an immediate introduction to Ella's talent and a glimpse of our hero, Raphael "Rafe" Coppersmith. 
There is a gap of three months between Rafe and Ella's first meeting. I was a little annoyed because Ella kept thinking "Oh, he's never going to call" and then getting mad because he didn't call, but I guess that's normal(?). 
Also, the reason that Rafe and Ella are together gets solved awfully quickly. I'm guessing there was a LOT of set up in this book for the rest of the books in the series because there were also some plotlines that were started and never finished (DND, Vortex, actually doing any mining).
I know this review seems nitpicky, especially for a four-star review, but overall, this was a book that I really enjoyed and now I am already ready for the next book.

Three and a half stars
This book came out August 26th, 2014
Rain Shadow #4, Ghosthunters #12
Follows Hot Zone
Followed by Illusion Town
Borrowed as audiobook from Audible Premium Plus
Opinions are my own

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