Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling

Prologue: Vivienne Jones has been dating a guy for three months. She finds out that he is actually betrothed to another woman. She takes a long bath and then hexes both he and his bloodline. But it's all in good fun. It wasn't even a real hex.
Nine year later Rhys Penhallow is back in town. He's only there to attend the town's 100th anniversary because his family founded the town. He's also there to reset the ley lines that his family set. Yes, he is a witch. To be fair, so is Vivienne though she didn't know that fact until later in life. And now it seems like the hex might be something more than a frivolous night of blowing off steam. And when Rhys resets the ley lines, his hex transfers from him directly into town.
Immediately, strange things start happening. Toy skulls surround customers in the shop Vivienne's cousin runs. A ghost is released from a binding. Basically, Rhys, Vivienne and her aunt and cousin are kept busy putting out both literal and metaphorical fires. But trying to solve the hex gives Rhys and Vivienne time to spend together.
This was a fun story and hopefully the start to a new series. I would love to see how Vivienne's cousin works things out with Mayor Jane. There are definitely a few things that threw me off including some pretty big time jumps where it seems like things were maybe settling down because there was no exposition but overall a fun, fast, and fluffy read.

Four stars
This book comes out October 5th, 2021
Followed by The Kiss Curse
ARC kindly provided by William Morrow and Custom House, and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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