Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Summer Seekers by Sarah Morgan

At eighty years old, Kathleen is ready to get out and <i>live</i> again. She used to host a series called the Summer Seekers where she went around the world and was televised doing it. Her daughter, Liz, was rather resentful that her mother was never home. That's why she's the consummate homemaker now. But that means that she's always having to be six steps ahead of whatever her husband and their twin daughters are doing so that everything goes right. But that's exhausting. And now her mother has had an intruder. True, she took care of the man with a frying pan but that's just evidence that the woman isn't eating correctly. 
But Kathleen isn't ready to go to the "peaceful rest home" that her daughter is pushing on her. She wants to have one last adventure: Route 66 in America (Kathleen is British.) But she knows she shouldn't drive so she puts out an ad.
Martha is mid-twenties and already divorced. Her family continually favors her prettier, more successful sister. Does she like to drive? Maybe not but it's a) a job and b) a chance to get out of her family's house. 
So Kathleen and Martha are off. Of course, they are going to learn some truths about themselves because this is a fiction book. They will also have some fun. But Liza will learn the same thing staying home in England and reconnecting with the life she had before her twins were born.
For everything that is going on in this book, it's a rather quiet read. Morgan's non-romance books are often like that. I didn't like that there were so many threads that it felt like a few stories got shortchanged.

Four stars
This book came out May 18th, 2021
Borrowed as ebook from Libby
Opinions are my own

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