Sunday, November 8, 2020

Without a Brew by Ellie Alexander

When you're in a tourist town that's based on a Bavarian village, winter is the time to rake in the cash. Sloan Krause and her boss haven't officially opened the B&B that is attached to the microbrewery but a sudden winter storm during a festival means that their rooms are the only place for stranded people to stay. That includes a lovey-dovey couple, four rather entitled young people, and a young woman who seems to be hiding something even though more than one person recognizes her.   And it is the young woman who ends up dead.
This was a solid addition to the Sloan Krause series. There were a few too many suspects and the murder victim's history was a little overcomplicated. I am also sort of curious where the storyline with Sloan's former in-laws and her own past are going.

Three stars
Follows Beyond a Reasonable Stout
Followed by The Cure for What Ales You
This book comes out November 10th
Ebook kindly provided by St. Martin's Press and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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