Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Negotiator by Avery Flynn

The Negotiator (Harbor City, #1)Clover Lee knows that her mom had to get married and ended up in their small hometown living a small life. She's determined not to have the same thing happen to her so she is determinedly doing the most interesting jobs she can find in the most interesting places she can find. The latest is a job as a "buffer" for Sawyer Carlyle.
Sawyer's father died recently so he's been really cautious about upsetting his mother, even when she keeps bringing him potential wife candidates. He's told her to stop be she is determined. During interviews (which Sawyer's brother actually set up after Sawyer made a joke about needing a buffer), Sawyer's mother shows up and Clover, surrounded by bodyguard types, is the one who sends her away. Then Clover gets Sawyer all hot with her negotiating skills and the two embark on not only a six-week job but also a physical affair (which Flynn goes to great pains to make sure that we understand that a) Clover is not actually his employee and b) she initiates, which is a little heavy but appreciated.)
Of course, Sawyer's mom's motives aren't as clean as they seem but I didn't really get the ending. Nor did I really see Sawyer and Clover melding. The sex was hot but outside of that? It was a lot of tell, not show.

Three and a half stars
Followed by The Charmer
This book came out April 24th, 2017
Listened to this book on Audible Escape
Opinions are my own

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