Monday, July 29, 2019

Let's Fake a Deal by Sherry Harris

I liked that this book moved Sarah Winston out of the rut the last couple of books had been in. I didn't love the ending (the wrap up didn't make sense with most of the rest of the books; not enough clues had been laid) but it was overall an enjoyable read.
The book opens with Sarah starting a garage sale for a cute young couple who are downsizing now that they've moved to town. Too bad all of the furniture is actually stolen and Sarah is the number one suspect. But her friend Michelle has it even worse. In line for a promotion at the Air Base, she's just had a big charge made against her and she's not allowed to know what it is or who made it. However, she can pretty well figure it out. Too bad he ends up dead in her car.
So Sarah is trying not only to save her friend Michelle but herself (and her DA boyfriend Seth whose reputation is also on the line). It's a lot to juggle but she might just figure out some things along the way.

Four stars
This book comes out July 30th
Follows The Gun also Rises
ARC kindly provided by Kensington Books and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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