Saturday, May 18, 2019

Need Me, Cowboy by Maisey Yates

Need Me, Cowboy (Copper Ridge: Desire, #6)Levi Tyler was in prison for five years because the police believed he killed his wife. But said wife has suddenly turned up alive. So Levi has been released. And he is ready to face the world.
Faith Grayson is the sister of former heroes of this series. She is a young architect, one who feels like she is supporting her family. As a former child prodigy, she was the one on whose they rest all their hopes. But she's secretly taken on designing Levi's house. Even though she knows that her brothers would be irate.
Though each knows the other is All Wrong, they are still drawn together. It's almost
It's another of Yates' stories with a young heroine and older hero. They're sort of starting to bleed together for me. This one was a bit different in that Faith's brothers are involved. Faith was beyond naive and the ending was a bit too short and saccharine for me. I may start sticking to Ms. Yates other series.

Two stars
This book came out April 2
ARC kindly provided by publisher and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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