Saturday, February 23, 2019

Lady Notorious by Theresa Romain

Lady Notorious (Royal Rewards, #4)Cass Benton works with her brother as private investigators. Well, her brother is the one on the books but his boss definitely knows that Cass is involved. When the book opens, Cass is posing as a maid in a ton house while her brother is a footman. While he is shtupping the lady of the house, Cass is busy saving the husband from murder. Which is pretty much their relationship. Cass is super serious while her brother takes life a lot more lightly.
They're in the house in the first place because of George, Lord Northbrook. He's the son of a duke who joined a tontine when he was a young man. Now members are dying off mysteriously and George wants to prevent both his father, and the lord of the house Cass and Charles were in, from meeting the same fate.
Romain can hit books out of the park for me but this was not one of them. I didn't see that George and Cass had the type of chemistry that would weather their class differences in this time. It was an okay read but not one of my faves.

Three stars
This book comes out February 26th
ARC kindly provided by publisher and NetGalley
Follows Lady Rogue

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