Sloan is up against murder again. This time, the victim is a man who was trying to make their town dry. Considering the fact that most of the town makes money off the tourism based around the local breweries. If the town went dry, there would be no money coming in. It's just too bad the man is found in April Amblin's office. The "official ambassador " to Leavenworth may have been annoyed by Kristopher but that doesn't mean she killed the man.
In the course of trying to (some what ambivalently) April's name, Sloan runs up against a number of people who were indebted to Kristopher who seemed to be tricking townspeople into borrowing money from him and then trying to swindle them out of their business.
A nice addition to the series but it took me a little bit to get into it. Definitely worth a read if you like the rest of the series.
Three stars and a half stars
This book came out October 1st
ARC kindly provided by St. Martin's Press and NetGalley
Opinions are my own