The first time Olive met her twin sister's boyfriend's brother, she was transfixed. Ethan is a very good looking guy. But he seemed so turned off by her curves and they have never been able to connect
after that. Mostly they just snark back and forth at each other when they're in the same room. And that's only if they can't avoid each other.
They're going to be stuck together for the next ten days though. After food poisoning rampages through her sister's wedding leaving Olive and Ethan the only people unscathed, they are encouraged to use The free trip that Olive's sister won as a honeymoon. It's a free trip and can't be rescheduled.
Ten days with someone she hates? But at least she'd be on Maui. Olive doesn't jump at the chance but she does ended up taking it. And it seems that both Ethan and Olive have been working under some misconceptions. Ones that can be cleared up when two people spend so much time together.
A good story though I didn't love the Big Gesture (to be fair, I rarely do.) But I liked the arc between Ethan and Olive and that each got to grow.
Four stars
This book comes out May 14
ARC provided by publisher and NetGalley
Opinions are my own