Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Murder and a Christmas Gift by Sonia Parin

It's Christmas and the young Earl of Woodridge is back at Halton House. Evie wants to make his holiday special but can she top Tom's gift of a pony? Maybe, with his family's Christmas decorations. So Evie and Tom are off to find them. But, they get caught in a dense fog and are forced to take shelter in a nearby manor house. That normally wouldn't be an issue but someone in the village died recently and the people decide to hold a seance that seems... odd. Could it be that the man was murdered? Why? 
This was a quick read. Mostly about the mystery but an odd number of other little side stories for such a short book.

Three stars
Evie Parker Mystery #7
This book came out December 25, 2019
Followed by Murder at the Fashion House

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