Showing posts with label Darcy Coates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darcy Coates. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates

Adrienne is down to her last twenty dollars when she arrives at Ashburn House. She doesn't remember much about her Aunt Eleanor and she's not sure why the house was left to her. What she does have is hazy memories of fleeing the house in the arms of her mother when Adrienne was young. 
But, her mother is now dead and Adrienne is in reduced circumstances so a free place to stay is a godsend. But the house is eerie. Set apart from the rest of the village and old, Adrienne is trepidatious about staying in this place. Especially when she realizes there are no mirrors. And there are words etched into tables, walls, and even her aunt's headboard that, without a context, are confusing.
I really enjoyed this book which was odd because I'm not much for thrillers but this one was a really fast read and I was almost halfway through when I realized this wasn't a straight-up mystery.

Four stars
This book came out July 20, 2016
Borrowed as ebook from Libby
Opinions are my own