Showing posts with label Mistletoe Murders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mistletoe Murders. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Mistletoe Murders 2 by Ken Cuperus

The first story of this book starts 10 months after the last story in the other book. 
Emily is still sticking her nose into local mysteries even though her habit caused the cooling of her relationship with Detective-Constable Sam Wilner. 
The first story centers around a fire at the diner where Emily usually gets her coffee. The owner's nephew was killed in the blaze. We do see other characters that have been in the series before. 
The second story includes Emily getting on the stage when a local stagehand is killed by a falling bridge in a Christmas adaptation of Twelfth Night. The cast includes the local gossip, the local handyman, and an actor who was famous several decades ago but still thinks he has charm.
The last story takes this book a little out of the realm of cozy/Hallmark movie when one of the people Emily has interacted with in several other stories is killed. While it was set to look like suicide, Emily has her doubts.
The ending of this story introduces a character from Emily's old life.

Three and a half stars
Mistletoe Murders #2
This book came out November 30, 2022
Borrowed as audiobook from Audible Premium Plus
Opinions are my own

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mistletoe Murders 1 by Ken Cuperus

A series of short stories that link together to make a series. This reminds me a lot of old time radio shows. The stories in this audiobook all center around Emily who lives in a small town and runs a Christmas store. She has a light flirtation with the local law enforcement and a mysterious past. 
In this book, we have a story wherein a man is murdered in a Christmas tree farm. It seems he may have been poisoned by a cookie from Emily's store.
The second story revolves around a young heartthrob who was part of the local drama. He left a few months ago but no one thought he was dead. In fact, no one knows he's dead until they find him under the water when the local skating festival starts.
The last story is set in a recently renovated, supposedly haunted mansion. The ghost is thought to be the remnants of an old mayor who may or may not have been murdered by his valet. The murder weapon itself is on display and ends up being used in a modern day murder as well.

Three and a half stars
Mistletoe Murders #1
This book came out November 8, 2023
Borrowed as audiobook from Audible Premium Plus
Opinions are my own