Showing posts with label Happily Ever Homicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happily Ever Homicide. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Juniper Bean Resorts to Murder by Gracie Ruth Mitchell

Juniper Bean has just hit a low point in her life (and her life has had some LOW points). So she's moving back to the town where she grew up. And, shocker, her new roommate is her old tutor. 
Aiden is NOT happy to see Juniper. She's the student who gave him a Christmas gift and then tried to kiss him. He could have gotten in so much trouble so he rebuffed her as hard as he could. Now she's living in his house acting as if that interaction never happened.
I never connected with Juniper nor could I really understand what the two of them had in common other than attraction. And this story line felt sort of adjacent to the mystery of the body that the two discover which is somehow tied in to the mystery of Juniper's birth.

Three stars
This book came out March 31, 2023
Happily Ever Homicide #1
Borrowed as audiobook from Libby
Opinions are my own