Showing posts with label narrator:Neil Dudgeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label narrator:Neil Dudgeon. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Murder by Moonlight by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards

A VERY short addition to this series. Jack and Sarah investigate the death of a choir member, Kirsty Kimball. Kirsty was extremely allergic to peanuts but everyone in the choir knew that and only brought food that was peanut free. However, one night she ingested some peanuts and, even though she had a large collection of epipens, the only one that she had in her purse didn't work.

I'm not sure that the story was built up enough for the way it ended but it was okay

Three stars
This book came out February 13, 2014
Followed by Thick as Thieves
Audible audiobook
Opinions are my own

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mystery at the Manor by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards

This is an interesting series. More novella-in length than a full book but that keeps it quick and interesting. I'm hoping we see some more character development as the books go along. 
In this book, a manor house burns down, but our intrepid somewhat amateur detectives Jack and Sarah (only somewhat since Jack is former NYPD) are suspicious about it's causes. The two are going to team up to see about a few things including what was hidden on the floor that the manor's owner was found dead on, in a room he forbade anyone from entering. They will also figure out why the owner's children, none of whom seem like particularly nice people were cut out of his will.

Three stars
Cherringham #2
Followed by Murder by Moonlight
Audible audiobook
Opinions are my own

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Murder on Thames by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards

This was more of a novella-length audiobook than a full book set in the Cotswolds. It opens with a woman out walking with a dog when they discover a body. It's a woman' who used to live in the village but she hasn't for a long time making her something of an outsider. 
Sarah Edwards grew up in the village but left for fifteen years. After her divorce, she returned with her two children. She used to be local but is also still not quite a local.
Jack Brennan is definitely an outsider. The former NYPD detective moved to Cherringham after the death of his wife. He doesn't want to get caught up in this death but he isn't as sure as the local police that Sammi's death was an accident. 
The two work together to find out what happened to Sammi.
Because this is a shorter story, it is hard to get into the story but it was good enough and I enjoy getting to listen to Neil Dudgeon whose voice is perfect for a murder series.

Three stars
This book came out December 19, 2013
Cherringham #1
Audible novella
Opinions are my own