Showing posts with label Riho Sachimi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riho Sachimi. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Miss Winthrope's Engagement: Harlequin Manga by Christine Merrill, Riho Sachimi

I've seen that Harlequin was offering manga versions of older titles but this is the first I've read. It was very interesting. This particular story has a spinster heiress whose brother is threatening to cut her off from reading (horrors!). So she decides to enter a marriage of convenience. And it's convenient that the man that she knocks down with her carriage lives to tell the tale. The two enter into marriage but it takes some time for them to find their paces.
This was definitely an interesting way to read this book but I feel like a lot of the story got left out in trying to display it through pictures instead of story.

This book came out February 1
Three stars
ARC kindly provided by publisher and NetGalley