Friday, June 21, 2024

A Daughter of Fair Verona by Christina Dodd

There seems to be a number of authors who are setting books in Ye Olden Days but adding more modern language and sensibilities. Dodd is better at it than most but it took me awhile to settle in to the story. 
The hook for this one, as most reviews probably point out, is that our first person narrator is the daughter of Romeo and Juliet who, apparently not only didn’t die, but have been extremely prolific. This story is that of their daughter, Rosaline. She’s set to be engaged to the despicable Duke Stephano. She’s aghast as a) she doesn’t want to get married and b) the man has had several wives already, all of whom have died under mysterious circumstances. It’s a puzzle that her father has allowed this to happen as he does truly love her.
At her betrothal ball, Rosaline is struck by Cupid’s arrow, much as it must have happened to her parents. She hides away in a corner with her Lysander where they are discovered… holding hands. A travesty. The Duke is NOT pleased but Prince Escalus smooths over any hurt. At least for the public. Stephano is ready to make Juliet pay. She arms herself with a knife but it isn’t needed since she stumbles over his already dead body in the garden. And his isn’t the last death in this story.
While all of this is going on, Rosaline is determined to find a wife for the prince. But he seems immune to her efforts. This is a romance so it’s not hard for us to figure out why.
So, a little bit Romeo and Juliet, a dash of murder mystery, and a pinch of Emma. I wish there had been more of the romance and the mystery went off the wheels at the end but it was mainly enjoyable. 

Three and a half stars
This book comes out June 24, 2024
ARC kindly provided by Kensington Books and ebook from NetGalley
Opinions are my own

Thursday, June 20, 2024

An Art Lover's Guide to Paris and Murder by Dianne Freeman

Frances and George are heading to Paris at the behest of his Aunt Julia. While she originally seems to imply that she wants them to look into the death of artist Paul Ducasse, she isn't so sure once they arrive. There are a number of people introduced including some we have seen in previous books like the woman Frances's husband had an affair with.
While Julia seems hesitant about following up with Frances and George, they are not going to let her go, especially after there's a break in at her lodging. Then, there's a death and they are going to have to search through parts of France to protect not only themselves but a lost family member. 

Four stars
This book comes out June 25, 2024
Countess of Harleigh #7
ARC kindly provided by Kensington and Edelweiss
Opinions are my own

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Peg and Rose Play the Ponies by Laurien Berenson

Peg and Rose are going on a road trip. Why? Dogs and horses. Peg is going to judge two dog shows and then attending a sale of a thoroughbred. Hers, as it turns out. She owns a few horses and the yearling of one is going to be sold. 
Once they get there, they encounter a manager who is just a jerk. Peg is busy judging and Rose is hanging out with Hope (Peg's oldest poodle). They discover that the jerk has been killed. A young woman from the farm asks them to tell the police that the argument she had with him the day before wasn't that serious. Instead, they decide to investigate. 
If you like the Senior Sleuths series, you will enjoy this book. I don't think you have to have read the other books in this series to understand the players in this one.

Three and a half stars
This book comes out June 25, 2024
Senior Sleuths #3
Follows Peg and Rose Stir Up Trouble
ARC kindly provided by Kensington Books and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Murder by Moonlight by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards

A VERY short addition to this series. Jack and Sarah investigate the death of a choir member, Kirsty Kimball. Kirsty was extremely allergic to peanuts but everyone in the choir knew that and only brought food that was peanut free. However, one night she ingested some peanuts and, even though she had a large collection of epipens, the only one that she had in her purse didn't work.

I'm not sure that the story was built up enough for the way it ended but it was okay

Three stars
This book came out February 13, 2014
Followed by Thick as Thieves
Audible audiobook
Opinions are my own

Monday, June 17, 2024

A Deceptive Composition by Anna Lee Huber

We get to see more of Lord Gage's history  in this book after he receives a letter from his great aunt asking him to come investigate the death of her brother (his great Uncle), Borak. The man was older but a fall off the cliffs seems unlikely as he knew very well what areas were safe and which were not. 
Included in the list of suspects are the local smuggling gang. Though supposedly disbanded, there is a suspiciously nice stash of alcohol in the family basement. This is the same gang that Lord Gage joined as a youngster. His friend Jago was killed and he was sent away as a result of him being a member. 
Memories are long in this area of the country and the present day murder has ties to the past. 
As usual, a lovely story. 

Lady Darby #12
Four stars
This book comes out June 18, 2024
Follows A Fatal Illusion
ARC kindly provided by Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs

There are a lot of threads in this story, the main ones being that Mercy is still unhealed from what happened in the least book and now her brother has landed on their doorstep, unable to communicated. It turns out that he too has come in contact with a fae artifact and the owner of the artifact is wreaking havoc with certain weather patterns until it is recovered. The storm is centered around a lodge outside of Libby, Montana where there are hot springs. A lodge that is supposed to be hosting a billionaire's wedding but is, instead, snowed in with thirteen people, not all of whom are human. 
There are some side stories about other wolves in the pack. Mary Jo has broken up with her boyfriend Renny, Darryl is protecting a group of white witches in New Mexico, someone has tried to push Sherwood in front of a train. Most of these are small vignettes showing that there are things going on outside of Mercy and Adam. It could be a build up to a bigger story but it is also proof that their pack can take care of themselves and don't need their leaders to rush in and solve everything for them. 
And Bonarata is still tormenting Mercy though that ends up being a smaller part of the story. 
A somewhat quieter story but I really enjoyed that there weren't as many bodies as some of the others. 

Four stars
Mercy Thompson #14
This book comes out June 18, 2024
Follows Soul Taken
ARC kindly provided by Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mystery at the Manor by Matthew Costello, Neil Richards

This is an interesting series. More novella-in length than a full book but that keeps it quick and interesting. I'm hoping we see some more character development as the books go along. 
In this book, a manor house burns down, but our intrepid somewhat amateur detectives Jack and Sarah (only somewhat since Jack is former NYPD) are suspicious about it's causes. The two are going to team up to see about a few things including what was hidden on the floor that the manor's owner was found dead on, in a room he forbade anyone from entering. They will also figure out why the owner's children, none of whom seem like particularly nice people were cut out of his will.

Three stars
Cherringham #2
Followed by Murder by Moonlight
Audible audiobook
Opinions are my own