Monday, May 27, 2019

Just One of the Groomsmen by Cindi Madsen

Just One of the Groomsmen by Cindi MadsenGrowing up together, Addison "Addie" "Murph" Murphy and Tucker Crawford were just two of a large group of friends. Addison was the only girl in the group but the feeling among the friends was more sibling than romantic. Now one of their group, Shep, is getting married so that means Tucker is home for the first time in two years. And that means that Addie is going to have to wear a dress. Since her normal wear is either yoga pants and a T-shirt or jeans and a sweatshirt, that is going to be a pretty big deal. The next time Tucker sees Addie, she is under a car and he only sees her legs -- that's when he starts to realize that his best buddy might be female. And Addison isn't immune herself. But the move from friendship to relationship is one that is going to be fraught. Especially when both Addie and Tucker are also trying to figure out some other pretty big decisions related to the rest of their lives. 
This was a pretty good book. There is a "big production" to get Addie back at the end after Tucker realizes that he messed up and I'm not a huge fan of those. However, the characters were well built, the romance was solid, and there were some nice openings left for more books in the series.

Three and a half stars
This book come out May 28th
Followed by Always a Bridesmaid
ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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